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24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

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Housing Programs

In a recent state-wide survey of domestic violence survivors, 93% of the respondents ranked housing as their most pressing need.

(Source: Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence)

Too often, survivors of abuse face a life-threatening dilemma:

Remain with the abuser or become homeless.

Many survivors of domestic abuse face difficulties obtaining a lease and establishing credit. Housing that is affordable, in good condition, and conveniently located near work, transportation, and/or childcare is often impossible to find and Chester County’s well-documented lack of affordable housing compounds these problems.

​DVCCC can help!

DVCCC currently has three housing programs:

Each program has its own case manager to provide services appropriate to those clients’ needs at the varying stages of separation from an abusive partner.

Emergency Shelter and Bridge Transitional Housing are communal housing options, while Phase IV is an independent housing option.

Life skills workshops are available to residents of DVCCC’s housing programs. These workshops cover topics including goal-setting, budgeting, saving, distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and skills and techniques for effective parenting.


DVCCC Housing Programs:

Emergency Shelter (accessibility options available)

The Emergency Shelter provides:

  • A supportive, communal living facility

  • Case management and referrals

  • Safety and goal plan development

  • Basic immediate needs: food, clothing, toiletries, etc.

  • Counseling and support groups

  • Life skills workshops

  • Access to all other DVCCC services

Emergency Shelter (accessibility options available)

The Bridge Housing​ program provides:

  • A supportive, communal living facility
  • Case management and referrals
  • Counseling and support groups
  • Life skills workshops
  • Family development and goal planning
  • Long-term supportive services
  • Access to all other DVCCC services

Clients who participate in this program pay an income-based, monthly fee.

Independent Living Program(accessibility options available)

The Independent Living program is an independent housing program that consists of 13 three-bedroom townhomes conveniently located near community services and public transportation.

The goal of the Independent Living program is for participants to demonstrate their desire to and eventually become self-sufficient.

This Program Offers:

  • Case management

  • Low monthly rental payments

  • Financial counseling and goal planning

  • access to all other DVCCC services

  • Counseling and support groups

The Independent Living program is income-restricted so applicants are required to go through an income verification and eligibility process.

​NEW One-Bedroom Apartments(accessibility options available)

This new independent housing program option consists of four one-bedroom apartments within in our safe townhome community conveniently located near community services and public transportation.

For more information on any of our housing programs, or to learn more about eligibility requirements and to apply please contact DVCCC at

610-431-3546 and dial option “1” for Counseling and Housing 

Experiencing Homelessness in Chester County?

These local resources can assist you – click the links below to learn more:

Decades to Doorways

211 of Southeastern PA