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24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

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Did you know that 1 in 3 teens experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from a dating partner?

This section of the DVCCC Website was created for young people to be able to have access toa number of resources to better understand what unhealthy behaviors in relationships look like and also how to navigate dating in healthy ways! Take some time to explore all the content provided.

    Red Flags in Relationships

    These handouts, developed by the counseling and education departments at DVCCC, are a great tool to use to identify unhealthy behaviors & warning signs of abuse.

    You can download them here:

    Red Flags (English)

    Alertas en Relaciones de Pareja (Español)

      Red Flags in Relationships

      The Relationship Spectrum

        We often talk about relationships on a spectrum – like a scale – that ranges from healthy to abusive – with unhealthy behaviors falling somewhere in between.

        When we begin to identify healthier behaviors and ways of communicating, we can move an unhealthy relationship along the spectrum to a healthier place!

        DVCCC’s Public Education Team developed these *interactive* video quizzes to help challenge teens to think about common dating behaviors and scenarios and place them on the relationship spectrum from healthy to unhealthy or abusive – check them out below:

        Quizzes and Games

          Here are additional interactive games & quizzes to engage deeper with the topic of health & dating – click the images below to play!

          Is my Relationship Healthy?

          Is my Relationship Healthy?

          Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out.

          Am I a Good Partner?

          Am I a Good Partner?

          Are you a good partner? Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out.

          What is Consent?

          What is Consent?

          Do you know the basics of consent? Put your skills to the test with this interactive quiz.

          Cool or Not Cool?

          Cool or Not Cool?

          In this interactive game, you will choose what behaviors are “cool” or “not cool” with friends and relationships.

          Is my Partner Really Changing?

          Is my Partner Really Changing?

          Your partner has agreed to change their abusive behaviors. Is your relationship really becoming abuse-free? Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out.

          How Would You Help a Friend?

          How Would You Help a Friend?

          Have you ever wanted to help a friend in an abusive relationship but didn’t know how? Take this quiz to find out how ready and willing you are to help.


            These powerful videos and informative webinars are great resources to not only watch and learn from but to also share with friends who may need to hear these messages!

            Follow us on TikTok @dvcccpa

            Technology & Dating

              Technology & Dating

              “How can I improve my relationship and behave in healthier ways when conflict comes up?”

              The resources on this page were developed by DVCCC and also gathered from a number of amazing, national resources for teens –
              click any of the logos below to explore more.

              onelove logo
              loveisrespect.org logo
              thatsnotcool.com logo

              If you think you are in an unhealthy or abusive dating situation, feel free to call DVCCC’s 24-hour hotline, available for teens in Chester County at 1-888-711-6270.