If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911 – If you cannot call, TEXT 911 if you are in Chester County

24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

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As you look at our website, you will notice we use the term “survivor” rather than “victim” to refer to individuals subjected to domestic violence. This is a conscious decision, taken to focus on strength and courage rather than victimization.

Mission and History


The mission of the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County is to reduce domestic violence by supporting survivors and advancing prevention strategies.


The Domestic Violence Center of Chester County envisions a community free from domestic violence, where every individual feels empowered, respected, and safe.


DVCCC began as the YWCA Women’s Resource Center (WRC) to serve as an information and referral service for Chester County women.  Once this service became known, it started receiving a flood of calls from women in situations of violence.  The directors of WRC, finding no organization in the area to which the victims could be referred, reorganized the agency as the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County, focusing on domestic violence intervention and prevention.  Since we opened our doors, we have served more than 40,000 victims of domestic abuse, averaging over 3,000 survivors and their dependent children each year.


DVCCC offers extensive services through a lens of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at no cost to survivors of domestic violence in Chester County. Services to adults and children include legal advocacy and representation, medical advocacy, counseling, 24-hour hotline, housing programs, and education. DVCCC partners with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, and the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 

DVCCC is committed to empowering survivors of domestic abuse through providing information and supporting them as they reclaim their lives. DVCCC provides services at our main, confidentially located site and outreach sites in Coatesville, Kennett Square, Oxford, and Phoenixville. Services are available in English and Spanish.

All our services are free and confidential.