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24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

24-hour Hotline

Call our 24-hour, free hotline 888-711-6270 or 610-431-1430

If you are in immediate danger, DIAL 911

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call TEXT 911

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

Domestic Violence Center of Chester County  Freedom through Empowerment

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Adopt A Family

Since 2004, dedicated donors and volunteers of DVCCC have joined forces through the Adopt a Family Program to make the holiday season brighter for survivors who are over-burdened, financially, as they work toward freeing themselves from the cycle of violence. All donations go directly to a DVCCC client who without the generosity of the donor may not be able to provide for themselves this holiday season. In the past, families, neighbors, schools, organizations, and corporations with a common passion for eradicating domestic violence in Chester County have supported the program by fulfilling the wish lists of an individual or family or donating specific age-related gifts or gift cards.

    A message from an Adopt-a-Family donor, on why the program is important to her:

    “My family broke the cycle of violence the summer I turned 19. My sister was five and that Christmas, more than ever- she needed to believe in Santa. I told my mom that I didn’t need anything that year, but I would purchase what I could with my retail wages so that my sister would have gifts to open and my mom could focus on keeping our family together. The manager at the Joann Fabrics I was working at heard about what I was doing and right before Christmas gave me a $50 Macy’s gift certificate and told me that I didn’t have to go without that year. Thirty years later, I still have – and wear – the leather boots that I bought as a reminder of the altruistic act. I support Adopt-a-Family to pay the kindness I received forward to other domestic violence survivors as no one should go without at the holidays.”  

      If you are interested in participating or learning more about this program, please contact us at adopt-a-family@dvcccpa.org